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"You're Pro-Birth, Not Pro-Life"

“Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the LORD and against his Anointed One. "Let us break their chains," they say, "and throw off their fetters." The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. 5 Then he rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath, saying, "I have installed my King on Zion, my holy hill." (Psalm 2:1-6)

Our Lord works through the ends, and the means. He has the full prerogative to “give them over to their sin” (Romans 1), interrupt evil schemes through supernatural means, or work through men and women willing to “stand in the gap” (Ezekiel 22:30) on behalf of a people or nation. We have come upon a time in history (for how long, only God knows), when reasonable argumentation has won the day for life and human flourishing, with the overturning of Roe v Wade in the Supreme Court last Friday.

The Battle is far from over; true change really comes down to the transformation of hearts and minds, which only God can do, but chooses to do this through His Word and His servants. Our opponents may become unhinged and use underhanded means to accomplish their goals, while we, reflecting the love of God, must be thoughtful and loving, with our actions consistently backing up our argumentation, “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5)

One great example of this I read from John Stonestreet on Breakpoint, back in 2019, which I wish to share with you here, since it especially applies to how we are to proceed as Christians. They titled it, “The Worst Argument for Abortion - 'You’re Pro-Birth, Not Pro-Life’”

"If pro-lifers are going to oppose the killing of unborn children, we are told over and over again, then we must be willing to take care of these children and their families even after they’re born. And since we don’t, it’s widely assumed and repeated, we have no right to oppose abortion.

As if this line of argument wasn’t repeated enough, it’s become especially popular in the wake of the new anti-abortion laws in Alabama, Georgia, Ohio, and now Missouri.

For example, a recent political cartoon by Nick Anderson depicts pro-lifers gazing in awe at a pregnant woman’s belly and promising the child, “We’ll do whatever we can to protect your life.” In the next frame, the very same pro-lifers scream at the newborn, “Now you’re on your own!” “Get a job, moocher!”

Apparently believing this same caricature of uncaring abortion opponents led Times of Israel journalist Sarah Tuttle-Singer to tweet out a challenge last week: “Dear Pro-Life friends: what have you personally done to support lower income single mothers? I’ll wait.”

Well, at last count, she received some responses—over 13 thousand of them, in fact, answering her rhetorical question. I doubt they were what she and other pro-abortion activists were expecting. A Twitter user named Barbara wrote back: “Great question! Since I am unable to foster, I often babysit for my friends who do. I donate regularly to a foster closet. We help pay bills for people in crisis situations, & my oldest kids help when they are able.”

Another user named Joshua wrote: “[We] became foster parents, which led to adoption. Intentionally worked to build relationship with and support our son’s birth mother. Helped her with buying furniture & more when she got out of prison...We were part of a movement of 30+ foster/adopt families from our church doing the same, with a network of hundreds in our church supporting us in tangible ways.”

A pastor named Hans replied: “Started a non-profit that gives free clothing, diapers, those in need. Fostered a teen mom. Fostered another mother’s three children while she got her life back on track. Found them housing. Gave them Jesus. Gave them a church family who helps and supports them.”

The stories went on and on. The thousands of replies are more than just anecdotal answers to a journalist’s misfired question. Pro-lifers really have put their money, time, and love where their mouths are.

Think of the nation’s pregnancy care centers—which offer supplies and training and parenting classes to mothers and continue doing so despite being maligned as “fake clinics.” They currently outnumber abortion mills three-to-one, and are overwhelmingly run and staffed by women—most of whom are volunteers.

Is there more to be done? Of course! Could pro-lifers specifically do more? Of course! But here’s an important question asked back to our pro-abortion opponents: Why should an unborn child’s right to life depend on how many social programs, charities, or adoptive parents are available after he or she is born? Think about what’s being implied here: that needy babies are better off dead—that the kindest thing we can do is kill them—and that if you’re unable to take in every single unplanned child, you have no right to speak against abortion.

This is barbaric nonsense. As some have pointed out, it’s kind of like saying you can’t oppose killing homeless people unless you turn your home into a shelter. And it misses the single most crucial fact in the entire debate: that abortion doesn’t prevent a baby. It kills one.

Which is why, of the two sides in our current, intensifying debate, it’s clear who is most deeply invested in the lives of unplanned children—those who think they first and foremost deserve to live.”

God Struck a blow against the “Pride” of Man last Friday, and we are the troops send in to continue the battle, argument for argument, & child by child. Consider your state and the people around you your “mission field”, and use this prime opportunity to speak “Life” into them, “pray for those who mistreat you” (Luke 6:28), and “snatch others from the fire” (Jude 1:23). He may also impress upon you, as he did in my family, the need to become involved in foster care or adoption, or support a local pregnancy center. May He enable you to continue to take ground from the enemy, and save lives for His Glory!


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